Tuesday 1 July 2008

Mike Myers - Myers Hit By Diarrhoea On Aussie Red Carpet

Funnyman MIKE MYERS wasn't laughing at the recent THE LOVE GURU premiere in Australia - he was battling diarrhoea on the red carpet.

The actor realised he was ill on his way to the screening earlier this month (Jun08) and had to stop at a number of restaurants to use restrooms before he actually got to the premiere.

But his embarrassment didn't end there - he then had to try to hide his upset stomach from a fan at a pharmacy counter.

He explains, "In Australia, when you go into a drug store you actually have to talk to the pharmacist... I was looking around and I was, like, 'Hi!' 'Hello, you're Mike Myers, how are you? What can I do for you?'"

"(I said) 'I'd like Pepto-Bismol please.' 'We don't know what that is... What is it exactly, Mike?' I was like, 'It's for tummy trouble.'"

But the confused Aussie staffmember at the pharmacy needed him to be more specific, prompting a desperate Myers to reveal he was suffering from diarrhoea.

He adds, "(They said) 'How very interesting, you're a superstar with diarrhoea.' I'm like, 'Hmmm, don't feel like a superstar right now.'"

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